Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Maintenance’

Cooling Costs Rising? Let’s Find Out What’s Wrong

Monday, June 24th, 2024

When you think about calling an HVAC contractor in Fresno, is an AC emergency repair that first thing that comes to mind? It is for most homeowners: when their air conditioning systems fail or won’t keep them cool enough, it’s time to call professionals for repairs. 

And, of course, that’s what our team at Purl’s is here to do! But we would also like to help you out when the situation with your AC doesn’t seem as drastic. What if you’ve noticed that you’re paying more to cool your house than normal? You might shrug it off as the “AC getting older,” but this is often a good reason to call for repair pros.

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Make Sure You Schedule AC Maintenance Before the Summer Heat

Monday, April 1st, 2024

As the temperatures start to climb with the beginning of spring, your air conditioning system becomes an indispensable asset in keeping your home cool and comfortable. However, the last thing you want is for it to break down on a scorching summer day. The key to ensuring your AC runs smoothly throughout the season is to schedule regular maintenance before the heat wave hits. For AC maintenance in Fresno contact Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning.

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What Does Ice on AC Coils Mean?

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Ice on AC coils in Fresno, CA typically indicates an issue with your air conditioner that needs attention. You might think at first that ice isn’t a big deal—it just means that the AC is working hard. But ice is not part of the cooling cycle of an air conditioner. We’ll explain below why ice may appear on your air conditioning system’s evaporator coil and what to do about it and prevent it.

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5 Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioning System

Monday, July 24th, 2023

Each time your air conditioning system comes on, do you wonder how much longer it’s going to last? Probably not. But you know that eventually there’ll be a time when it won’t work anymore. No hard-working mechanical system like an AC can last forever. Hopefully, you’ll get ahead of a failed air conditioning in Oakhurst, CA and have time to arrange for our experts at Purl’s to replace it with a new one. 

But we’re not here to talk about your next air conditioning system. We’re here to talk about how you can get your current one to run for as long as possible. We have five tips that will help maximize the lifetime of your home’s AC.

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How Heat Extremes Affect Your AC

Monday, June 26th, 2023

We can expect to have another hot summer here in the Central Valley, with days that will rise into the triple digits. You’ll need to rely on your AC to work dependably during these heat waves. Remember that you can call us for air conditioning service Fresno, CA and elsewhere in the Central Valley when your cooling system starts to fall behind. 

In this post, we want to look closer at how heat affects an air conditioning system. This information can help you best deal with intense heat.

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Can I Save Money on Cooling by Closing Room Vents?

Monday, June 12th, 2023

Homeowners sometimes look at the louvers on the air vents in the rooms around their house and think, “Can’t I just shut that vent so no cool air is sent into this room? That at least means I’m not wasting extra money cooling it.”

This isn’t how vent covers or your air conditioning system works. In fact, shutting room vents can create much worse problems that may lead to you needing to call us for air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA. There are other ways you can save money with your air conditioning system, as well as ways to limit cooling to rooms.

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Why Spring Maintenance Is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your AC

Monday, April 3rd, 2023
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Now that the weather in the Central Valley has started to warm up, it really is starting to feel like spring. Although it’s still not hot enough that you’ll need to run your home’s air conditioning system quite yet, you can use this time to arrange for an all-important job: scheduling professional AC maintenance in Fresno, CA with our team of experienced professionals.

We talk about HVAC maintenance often during the year, with reminders in spring for ACs and in fall for heating systems. This isn’t just because we want to get your business. It’s also because we know how beneficial professional tune-ups and inspections are for heating and cooling systems. Maintenance is one of the best services you can have for your air conditioning system. Here are a few reasons why.

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Time to Prep for the Heat With AC Maintenance

Monday, March 21st, 2022

We’re experiencing extremely hot days in the Central Valley—days with true summer heat, and spring has only just started. You may have had to turn on your AC for the first time in several months to battle the heat. But your air conditioning system is going to need extra help to handle the continuing heat we’ll face through the middle of the year: professional air conditioning maintenance.

We always stress with our customers the importance of having their air conditioning systems professionally inspected and tuned up annually, preferably in spring to beat out the hot weather. The weather is already turning hot, so the time to call us to schedule your regular air conditioning maintenance in Fresno, CA is now. 

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There’s No “Expiration Date” for AC Maintenance: It’s Not Too Late to Schedule!

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

Although spring doesn’t officially end until June 20, people tend to think of summer as starting when the calendar flips over to June. Since we recommend people have professional maintenance done for their air conditioning systems in spring, it may sound like the time is almost up to get it done. This isn’t the case at all!

Regular maintenance is one of the most important services you can have done for your AC, and it doesn’t have an expiration date. It has a “recommended” date, but the only requirement is that professionals do it once a year. 

We Still Recommend Spring or Early Summer for Maintenance

We do want to be clear about the ideal time to have air conditioning system maintenance, which is fall or early summer. You’ll receive the most benefit from maintenance when you have it done before the major heat waves arrive and you use the air conditioner on a regular basis. And because it’s not even officially summer yet, you’re right on time if you schedule maintenance now.

Why Maintenance Needs to Be Done Annually

The big takeaway from this blog post is that maintenance done later is still far better than skipping it for a year. We don’t want our customers to decide that they might as well abandon maintenance for a year if they haven’t gotten it done by mid-July. Maintenance is both a long-term and short-term investment, and those long-term benefits are among the most important.

Here are reasons maintenance should be kept up with each year, even if it’s done later a few of those years:

  • It keeps the warranty valid: Equipment warranty for your air conditioner is an essential consumer protection. A small percentage of AC units leave the factory with faults, but the warranty will cover parts repair and replacement in case something goes wrong. Lack of maintenance may void the warranty and leave you paying for parts that would otherwise have been covered.
  • It helps the air conditioner last for as long as possible: The average service life of central air conditioners is 10 to 15 years, but only if the ACs receive annual professional maintenance. Skipping maintenance gives wear and tear a chance to take hold and cause the system to age faster. Your AC will need to be replaced years earlier without routine maintenance.
  • It catches repair issues before they can become serious: Maintenance gives our technicians the opportunity to examine an air conditioner closely and find where there are potential problems. It’s similar to your annual visit to the doctor. Early detection for ACs means fewer and less expensive repairs.
  • It stops a decline in AC efficiency: When an AC misses maintenance, the wear on the unit will cause it to lose energy efficiency and cost more to run.

Right now is a great time for this air conditioning service in Fresno, CA. Reach out to our team to get on the schedule for your AC’s annual inspection and tune-up.

Call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning to schedule AC maintenance today. “Quality Is the Cornerstone of Our Success” since 1952.

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Why You Shouldn’t Skip AC Maintenance This Year

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

old-ac-need-maintenanceWe understand you have a lot to handle right now. Scheduling regular air conditioning maintenance in Fresno, CA might seem like it’s something you can push off to next year. Everyone knows the feeling of thinking, “Oh, this can’t be that important. It can wait.”

We want to turn you away from this! Air conditioning system maintenance, even if done later in the spring or in early summer, is an essential job for your home comfort. You’ll be glad you had it done, because the consequences of skipping it are often steep.

What do we mean? Below are a few scenarios you may end up facing because your AC missed out on its routine check-up, cleaning, and adjustment from our HVAC professionals:

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