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Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog

Schedule AC Maintenance in Spring for a Cool Summer


What’s the most important air conditioning service in Fresno, CA you can schedule? Well, if you have an immediate repair need for your AC, scheduling repairs for it would be the most important service. But in general, the most important air conditioning service you can have done is annual maintenance. There’s nothing better than professional maintenance to inspect and tune-up an AC to ensure great cooling performance. And the best time for maintenance is in spring. That way the air conditioner will be ready in time for the summer heat.

Why AC Maintenance Makes for Cooler, Better Summers

When we talk about the importance of maintenance for air conditioners, we often emphasize what can go wrong without maintenance and why it’s critical for an AC to have the service each year. But this time we’re going to talk about why maintenance is just good all around for having a better summer. AC maintenance has many terrific benefits, so let’s take a look at them:

  • Better cooling capacity: Or, to put it another way, you’ll get more cooling power from your air conditioner if you have it maintained and kept in the best shape. When you adjust the thermostat to the best energy-saving setting on a summer day, the AC will have no trouble giving you that comfortable temperature.
  • Lower utility bills: You don’t want to pay more to run your air conditioning system than you have to—and regular maintenance will help see that you don’t. Your air conditioning system can keep around 95% of its original efficiency through most of its service life thanks to maintenance, rather than declining from 5–10% each year and raising bills.
  • Avoid repairs: The majority of repairs an AC may need are due to lack of maintenance. With maintenance, you probably won’t have to have your air conditioning system repaired this summer. Or the next summer. Or maybe until very late in its service life. That’s convenient and it saves you money.
  • Keep the AC running for years: An early replacement for an air conditioner is a hassle and it’s expensive. Thankfully, you can put off replacing your AC for many years (until the system is around 15 years in service) because maintenance keeps it in great condition season after season.
  • Peace of mind: We think this is the best benefit. You’ll relax during the summer because you know your air conditioning system has little chance of breaking down on you or losing cooling capacity.

The Ultimate Service Agreement

We offer the special Ultimate Service Agreement (USA) to care for both your air conditioning system and heating system. When you join, you’ll have regular spring maintenance for the AC, as well as special benefits like preferred customer status, a 5-year warranty on all repairs we perform, and discounts on repairs and upgrades. Call today to find out more details, sign up, and get on the schedule for air conditioning maintenance.

Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. Uncompromised Quality & Customer Service Since 1952. 

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