Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Why You Should Use a Licensed and Insured Contractor

Friday, March 23rd, 2018

crossed-wrenchesIf you look at the home page of our website, you’ll see right under our name at the top of the page is our contractor’s license number: 463756. We have it displayed there because the license is what sets us apart from an amateur contractor. Each state has different requirements for licensing and regulation. Here in California, holding a license means a contractor has the necessary insurance and bonding required locally.

But what does this mean to you as a customer? Why should you turn to a contractor who has a license and insurance rather than to an amateur who offers low costs? One reason is the basic quality of the service you’ll get. But right now we’re going to look specifically at the importance of the license and insurance.

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Benefits to Upgrading to a High Efficiency HVAC System

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

checkmark-greenAs spring approaches, it’s a great time to give some thought to making an upgrade to your old HVAC system. If your heating and air conditioning system is more than 15 years old, or it has started to require more repairs while running up steeper utility bills, this is probably the year to have the system replaced—and with one that’s more efficient than your old system was even when it was new.

Because of advances in heating and air conditioning technology, almost any system you have professionally installed will perform at better energy efficiency. But we recommend you look into a special high efficiency system for your HVAC in Fresno, CA. These systems cost more to install, but the benefits are tremendous and the extra costs will soon be paid back.

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Heating Troubles That May Be the Fault of the Air Filter

Wednesday, January 31st, 2018

air-fliter-cuModern heating systems are normally reliable, year after year, provided they receive a professional installation by licensed HVAC technicians and continue to have annual maintenance. But no system can ever be 100% reliable, and no amount of care can protect a heater from all malfunctions. At some point in your current heater’s service life, you may need to call for heating repair in Fresno, CA from our trained team.

One of the more common problems that affect forced-air systems (which include all types of furnace and heat pumps) is trouble with the air filter. This isn’t a filter for providing better indoor air quality, but the standard filter attached to the HVAC cabinet that stops dust and dirt from getting into the heater through the return air vents. An air filter clogs over time and must be replaced every 1 to 3 months so air can flow freely through the blower and heater.

If a clogged filter is left in place, it can lead to these heating problems:

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Why Won’t My Heater Stop Running?

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

question-mark-badgeWhen you set your furnace or other home heating system to come on, and then nothing happens, you’ll instantly know you have a problem. It might be a simple issue, like a tripped circuit breaker or clogged air filter. It could a more serious malfunction, and in that case you’ll need the assistance of HVAC professionals to inspect and repair your heating in Fresno, CA or elsewhere in the Central Valley.

There’s a flip side to this: a heating system that comes on and won’t shut off. When this happens, not only will the heating system waste immense amounts of energy and risk suffering permanent damage, but the house can become overheated, stuffy, and unpleasant. Why does this happen? What can be done about it?

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Cracked Heat Exchanger: Do I Need a New Furnace?

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018

natural-gas-burnerWe’ve written before about the importance of having your furnace’s heat exchanger regularly checked by a professional. This is a part of our routine preventive maintenance program, the Ultimate Service Agreement, and it’s a vital inspection to make sure that a furnace operates as safely as possible. What our technicians look for when they examine a heat exchanger is signs of cracks along it or corrosion that can lead to those cracks. A cracked heat exchanger can allow toxic combustion gases to escape into the airflow moving into the rooms around a house—a dangerous situation!

Furnace owners often feel nervous when they learn their furnace may pose a safety risk. This leads to the question whether they should have the furnace repaired—which means replacing the heat exchanger—or instead have a new gas furnace installed.

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Remember These Winter Heating Energy-Saving Tips

Monday, December 4th, 2017

hand-setting-thermostatA long winter doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, as long as your home is outfitted with the ideal heating system, such as a powerful natural gas furnace. But too often people associate using the heater with paying extremely high winter utility bills. Chances are, though, that those heating bills are unnecessarily high and can be brought down with a few steps and precautions.

If you’re tired of paying too much for your home heating in Fresno, CA or elsewhere in the Central Valley during the winter, we have some important tips to follow. These measures will cut down on heating costs and also reduce the strain on the heating system, giving it an overall longer service life with fewer repair needs.

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It’s Not Too Late for Your HVAC Maintenance for Winter!

Monday, November 20th, 2017

hands-opening-heating-cabinetIt looks like we’re going to enjoy a warm—or at least moderately cool—Thanksgiving here in the Central Valley. We can’t expect this to last, of course. By the end of December, the heating systems in our homes will be working regularly, and they’ll keep up their hard work through until April.

The takeaway from this is that you still have time left to have major problems with your heating system fixed before the heater gets down its the hard winter work. And, if you haven’t yet scheduled regular fall maintenance for your heating system, it’s still fall and not too late to have it done. Simply put, you shouldn’t miss your heating maintenance for the year. It’s better late than never, and right now it’s definitely not too late.

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Electronic Ignition in a Furnace: Why It’s Better Than a Pilot Light

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

inside-a-gas-furnaceIf you’ve had the same furnace in your home for many years, you’re probably accustomed to it having a pilot light. If you have newer furnace, or you’re planning on having one installed in the near future, it probably doesn’t use a pilot light at all. Instead, an electronic ignition system ignites the burners. In fact, you rarely see standing pilot lights on newly manufactured furnaces anymore. Why did this change happen? Let’s take a look.

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How to Prepare Your HVAC System for the Winter Months

Monday, October 30th, 2017

capsAlthough the official start of winter doesn’t arrive until the third week in December, the cooling in the Central Valley often sets in earlier. Right now, we are still experiencing warm days, but the nights are developing a chill. Once Daylight Savings time ends in November, we can anticipate a faster change in the temperatures to the colder side. Right now is the time to see that your HVAC system is prepared for the change in seasons. Here’s what you can do to help prepare it.

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Selecting the Correct Heating System Type

Friday, October 13th, 2017

home-basement-furnaceAre you looking into having a new heating system installed this fall? It’s a great season to schedule this kind of major HVAC job: you’ll be ready in time for the winter cold, and it’s easy to have it arranged with our installers at a convenient time.

Picking the right new heater can be a bit tricky, however. Let’s take a look at some of the choices we’ll help you make when shopping for a heating installation or replacement.

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