Sheryl Berry
began working at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning in August of 2006. She works part time in the office in accounting. She keeps the Purl’s team active in the community and organizes the annual 4-H/FFA dinner we provide for the kids and families at the Madera District Fair. She is the person we all ask for suggestions, recipes, and advice. She is truly everyone’s friend.
Sheryl brought a wealth of knowledge with her from her years working at Teco, the family owned business in Madera. Sheryl said she worked every possible job during her time at Teco, but specialized in management and accounting. She has always loved working with numbers and making things balance. She retired from Teco in 2005 and could not stand to be retired! Retirement was not a good fit for Sheryl Berry! She likes working and keeping an active schedule. She said working helps her get more done in a day!
Sheryl said the move to the new office location in 2010 was an exciting event that affected everyone at Purl’s Sheet Metal. She feels the change that affected her job the most was the conversion and upgrade to our new computer system several years back. The accounting capabilities were such a giant step into the future. It was fun and challenging for our team to figure out how to make everything work.
Sheryl was born and raised in Madera. She can trace her family roots in Madera back to 1893. She and her husband Randy raised their family of boys here. Sheryl and Randy have 12 grandchildren that range in age
from 2-21. When she talks about her grandkids she is all smiles! She spends as much time as possible with her grandkids. She loves to teach them the art of canning, baking, sewing and gardening, all the while teaching them to have a good work ethic.
Sheryl Berry is very well known in our community. She has more energy than most and seems to require little sleep. She spends her spring and early summers canning her famous pickles, pickle relish, jam & jellies. She donates large baskets with her canned and baked goods to local fund raisers and auctions. *Did we mention that her cookies are legendary too!* The people in our community have been known to buy her items for big dollars! One of Sheryl’s most favorite things to do is to “play in the dirt” in her beautiful yard and garden. (Her back yard was featured on the 2014 Garden Tour in Madera). It is a labor of love and every corner of her yard shows something special and unique. She also spends a lot of time sewing and quilting!
Sheryl is deeply rooted and involved in our community. She has been part of Alegria Guild Children’s Hospital Central CA for almost 45 years. In 2014 she and her good friend Mickie Purl created a special quilt to be auctioned off for Alegria Guild Children’s Hospital. The quilt brought in nice donation for the Hospital. She is the President of the Madera County Historical Society since 1999 and has been involved in the organization since 1990. She is also serves on the Board of Directors for the Heritage Society. She has been involved with 4-H, FFA, Camp Fire and numerous other organizations.
Sheryl said she has so many great memories and loves the people she works with at Purl’s Sheet Metal. She said we have been through a lot together, and it is never dull! She especially remembers the April Fools joke played on her a few years back. She returned a phone call to the local Chafee Zoo, only to ask to speak to Mr. Lion….and it went downhill from there. Sheryl thinks we definitely have a lot of fun at Purl’s Sheet Metal and looks forward to a bright future.
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