You may have heard news about the possible upcoming El Niño event, one so enormous that NASA climatologist Bill Patzert dubbed it “the Godzilla El Niño”: a destructive force that rises from the sea and smashes onto shore. This could be the largest El Niño since record-keeping started in 1950, far more powerful than the 1997–98 one responsible for extensive flooding and mudslides in California.
What Causes Refrigerant Leaks in an Air Conditioning System?
August 11th, 2015One of the more common repair problems that an air conditioning system might encounter is refrigerant leaks. The refrigerant in an AC, as we’ve discussed before, does not dissipate during operation. The air conditioner should use the same amount of refrigerant (referred to as its charge) for its entire service life. The exception is when leaks start. When an air conditioning system loses refrigerant through leaks, it will result in frozen coils, a drop in cooling power, and possibly a burnt-out compressor.
How to Clean the Air Filter in Your Air Conditioning System
August 10th, 2015Regular maintenance for your air conditioner is one of the most important steps to take every year to protect your home comfort and energy bills. The best time to have the maintenance visit done is during the spring; a professional provides a thorough inspection and tune-up for the AC so that it will work at its best throughout the coming hot season.
Why Is My Air Conditioning System Running Constantly?
July 20th, 2015When your home’s air conditioning system won’t turn on, you know you have a problem. But the opposite condition can also occur: an air conditioning system that keeps running continuously no matter how you adjust the thermostat. Why does this happen? We’ll take a closer look at some of the reasons and what you should do about it.
How You Can Benefit from a Wi-Fi Thermostat in Your Home
July 13th, 2015Thermostat technology has come a long way since the days of the dial-and-slider manual thermostats. Today homeowners have an option to install digital, digital programmable, and “smart” thermostats. These thermostats come with features that not only make operating them more convenient and precise, but also permit greater energy savings from the home’s HVAC system.
What Capacitors Do in an Air Conditioning System
June 29th, 2015The modern air conditioning system is a complex piece of refrigeration equipment. It relies on numerous precision parts in order to operate correctly. One of the key components inside an AC is the capacitor, which forms part of the electrical system that provides power to the air conditioner. Each AC contains a number of capacitors that serve various motors. At times, capacitors may fail and require an HVAC technician to replace them in order to restore the system to full operation.
3 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Isn’t Getting Your Home as Cool as It Used To
June 23rd, 2015It’s summer here in Fresno, CA, and that means air conditioning systems all across the city are working to keep homes pleasantly cooled down. But have you noticed that your house no longer feels as cool as it should? Have you discovered hot spots in some of the rooms? Do you need to keep the AC running longer and longer in order to reach the right comfort level during a hot day? Then there is probably a malfunction in your HVAC system that is impairing your air conditioner’s ability to work properly. The best course is to call an experienced HVAC technician to come to your home, discover what is wrong with the air conditioner, and repair it.
What Kind of Air Filter Do I Need to Clean My Home’s Air?
June 8th, 2015If your home has a forced-air heater or central air conditioning system, then it is probably equipped with a filter located near the air handler. This filter consists of a mesh of fibers that traps contaminants coming in through the return air ducts, preventing them from entering the AC’s cabinet. This filter is designed to protect your air conditioner, which is an important job. But it is not designed to protect the quality of the air circulating through your house. If your home is suffering from an excessive amount of airborne pollutants that are triggering asthma and allergy symptoms among the people who live there, you need to have special filters or air purifiers installed.