Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘2014 Coats for Kids’

Coats for Kids 2014 – We THANK YOU for your contributions!

Wednesday, December 17th, 2014

This week Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning wrapped up our 2014 Coats for Kids drive. We had a great time working with our community and collecting coats. We are proud to announce we collected 435 coats! All of the coats collected will stay in Madera County and will be distributed by our local Salvation Army Office.

We want to thank our customerthank-yous and friends who brought in both new and slightly used coats for this drive. Thank you to the teachers, parents and students at Lincoln and St. Joachim Schools! We were overwhelmed by the donations and generosity. Huge thank you to our local Salvation Army for all the great work they do! All of the coats collected will be given to children who need them most.

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