Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fresno’

Dirty Sock Syndrome: The Smelly AC Problem

Monday, August 26th, 2019

girl-pinches-noseOf all the troubles you might encounter with your air conditioning system, dirty sock syndrome is the one that triggers the most immediate reaction. It’s right there in the name—it sounds like something you absolutely don’t want in your house!

But what is dirty sock syndrome, and is it actually a significant air conditioning repair problem?

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Electrical Troubles in an Air Conditioning System

Monday, July 29th, 2019

electrical-panel-repairsAir conditioners are complicated electrical devices. The combination of an intricate electrical system and the use of chemical refrigerant makes it tricky for a non-professional to be able to diagnose what’s wrong with an air conditioner, let alone understand how to fix it.

Electrical issues are the most common type of malfunction that can bring an air conditioning system to a halt and cut off cooling to a house. Below we’ve listed the electrical malfunctions our technicians often see when they come to repair a customer’s faulty air conditioner.

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Electrical Trouble in Your AC Can Mean Tripped Circuit Breakers

Monday, July 15th, 2019

stripped-electrical-wireWhenever an air conditioning system abruptly shuts down—the fan won’t come on, the compressor won’t come on—one of the first things we recommend homeowners check is their electrical panel. A tripped circuit breaker might have caused the air conditioning system to lose power. Resetting the breaker may solve the problem.

Or … the problem may come right back. If this is the case for your air conditioning system, there’s something else wrong, such as electrical trouble in the AC. You may need to have our professionals check on the system and repair it. Let’s look a bit further into this situation.

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Is a Tankless Water Heater a Good Idea for My House?

Thursday, June 20th, 2019

tankless-water-heaterYou may have heard about the tankless water heater as a replacement option for the standard storage tank water heater. A tankless water heater applies heat to the water that passes through its heat exchanger, so it heats up water whenever there’s a demand for it. When a hot water tap comes on, water starts to flow through the heat exchanger, which activates it and turns on the gas jets. The heat only remains on when the water is moving, and shuts off when the demand stops. There’s no need to store the water at any point.

The tankless water heater offers several excellent benefits compared to the traditional tank water heater. Just listing those may make it sound like a tankless water heater is automatically the better option:

  • Higher energy efficiency
  • Longer system life
  • Won’t run out of hot water
  • Small size

But we recommend you look before you leap! If you are getting ready to replace your old water heater, it is best to call on our professionals for the job. They’ll help you select the ideal system to meet your needs and your budget.

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Why Your Air Conditioning System Isn’t Turning On

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

man-a-fan-a-planWe’ve written before about the signs to watch for that will warn you it’s time to schedule professional air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA. But no sign is clearer that you have an air conditioner in trouble than when the air conditioner just won’t turn on when you need it.

Please don’t panic if you find you’ve got a non-responsive air conditioning system. In many cases, there’s a simple issue behind it and you won’t need to call for a repair technician. Once you’ve eliminated the basic explanations, then you should turn to an HVAC professional. Do not open up either cabinet of your AC system and attempt to do repairs on your own!

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A Leaky Air Conditioner? Here’s What May Be Happening

Monday, May 20th, 2019

water-dropletsWhen your home’s air conditioning system is running during the summer, you will occasionally hear the sound of water dripping coming from the indoor cabinet. This is normal—you are hearing the sound of the water condensation that collects along the evaporator coil dripping down into a pan beneath it. This water (called condensate) is a standard part of how your central air conditioning system removes heat from the air. Once the water collects in the condensate pan, it leaves the house through a drain and line that leads to the outside.

However, you only want to hear water dripping in the air conditioner. You don’t want to actually see water leaking from the unit and pooling around it. When this happens, it means a problem in the condensate removal system that needs to be fixed.

Below, we’ll look at why you may have water leaking from your AC system.

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Adding Central AC to a Home: What You Should Know

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019


Residential central air conditioning has a long history going back to the 1920s. But many decades would pass before central AC systems became common and affordable for homeowners. Today, 90% of new houses are constructed with central air conditioning systems, which is a significant change from only twenty years ago.

The central air conditioning system has replaced the old window units that were once the main way for homes to enjoy cooling. Window units have a limited use, conditioning only small areas. They’re also unattractive-looking, block light, and make a home less secure. All around, central air conditioning is the superior choice for a home, and it also allows for indoor air quality improvement additions.

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Getting Ready to Turn on Your AC for The First Time This Year

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

woman-enjoying-lifeOur summer weather can sometimes arrive abruptly during spring. We’ll switch from cloudy and cool weather straight to the big heat. You want to know that the first time you need your air conditioning system for the year that it will turn on and do its job right.

Before you switch on your AC for the hot weather, go over these recommended steps. They’ll help you prepare the air conditioning system and give it a better start to the season.

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Should You Replace the Heater and AC at the Same Time?

Friday, March 29th, 2019

furnace-oldWhen you move into a new home, usually the AC and the furnace were installed at the same time—and usually they’ll need to be replaced at the same time as well. In other cases, either the AC or furnace will run down before the other (air conditioning systems in general don’t last as long as either gas or electric furnaces), and you’ll arrange to have the older unit replaced.

However, there’s a third possibility. What if one of the two comfort systems needs a replacement, and you decide to replace both, even though the other system is still in good working order?

This isn’t an outlandish idea. Homeowners often make this choice on the advice of professional HVAC installers and enjoy benefits from it. It isn’t automatically the right choice, but it’s something to consider.

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Friday Blog 3/15/19

Friday, March 15th, 2019

Importance of Air Conditioning Maintenance

Get peace of mind with regular air conditioner maintenance from Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning.

As spring approaches, it’s time to think about getting your HVAC system ready for the summer. It’s been months since most of us have used our air conditioner. Finding out the air conditioner in your home does not work during the first heat wave can be a big problem. Below are some of the important reasons why routine scheduled maintenance will help get your Air Conditioning system serviced and ready for summer.

Replacing the Air Filter

Forgetting to change the air filter can cause big problems for your HVAC system. When the air filter is clogged, it means that the air conditioner has to work harder to move air throughout your home. The harder your air conditioner has to work it could cause stress to your system and lead to costly breakdowns. There are many options to update your filters and improve your indoor air quality.

Unclogging the AC Drains

It’s easy to see the problems from clogged drains in the sinks and showers in your home. It is much harder to see the problems from a clogged AC drain.  Often by the time you see evidence of a clogged AC drain in your home it has led to damage. A professional HVAC technician will make sure the drain is clean and flowing smoothly.

Cleaning the Air Conditioning coils

Cleaning the condenser coils is an important part of maintenance. A qualified service technician will clean the dirt and debris from the coils and this will help your system operate more efficiently.

Checking the Thermostat

It’s a good idea to check the batteries, programming and operation of your thermostat each season. A thermostat problem can be a direct cause of a cooling issue.

Schedule a certified HVAC Professional

Be sure to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner with a professional and qualified service technician at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. Maintenance and tune up’s will increase the life of your equipment, find potential break downs and make sure your air conditioner runs efficiently so you are ready for the hot summer temperatures.

At Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning, “Quality Is the Cornerstone of Our Success” since 1952. Leave all your air conditioning maintenance to our experts.

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