Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fresno’

Why Is My Furnace Tripping the Circuit Breaker?

Monday, February 13th, 2017

natural-gas-burnerHere’s a heating malfunction that might happen in your home during the winter:

The temperature outside is dropping, and it’s time to fire up your home’s furnace to keep everyone cozy. You go to the thermostat and adjust the temperature for warmth. But as the furnace comes on, it abruptly shuts down. You check on the circuit breaker panel, and find that one of the breakers has tripped. You re-set it, turn on the furnace again… and it once more trips the circuit breaker and shuts down.

What’s going on? And what can you do about it?

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Avoiding Fire Hazards with Dryer Vent Cleaning

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

As you settle into the new year, you are going to start searching for various improvements to make to your home as well as routine services that some of your appliances will need. One of the services that we recommend is to have professionals perform air duct cleaning. It’s a great way to give your entire HVAC system an easier year ahead, which means lower utility bills and fewer repair issues. You’ll even enjoy improved air quality.

But when you’re scheduling air duct cleaning, there’s another service we strongly recommend that you include: dryer vent cleaning.

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Is It Too Late to Have a New Furnace Installed?

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

Now that it’s November, the temperatures in the Central Valley are dropping down into the 50s, with some occasional swings up into the 60s and 70s. But the climate is definitely tilting toward the winter, which will be here before we know it.

Will the winter be here too soon for you to replace that old furnace in your home? If you have serious doubts about how your furnace will perform during the winter because of its age (older than 15 or 20 years) or because it experienced numerous problems during the previous winter, you might think that it’s a bit late in the season to make a major change. So maybe… maybe the furnace will be fine for another winter?

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4 Ways You Might Compromise Your Furnace This Winter

Monday, October 31st, 2016

If you’ve enjoyed steady warmth and reliable performance from your gas furnace during the previous winters, you may start to think that the system is in excellent shape and that won’t change. But there are ways you can compromise your furnace through neglect and other simple mistakes—and they can lead to a broken-down heater or even one that’s developing safety hazards. We’re going to examine 4 ways that you might compromise your furnace this coming winter.

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The Côr Wi-Fi Thermostat from Carrier: Comfort and Savings!

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

The thermostat that controls your HVAC system can have an enormous impact on how well your home’s heating and cooling operates. A thermostat with special features will help you enjoy improved comfort while lowering monthly energy costs.Cor-Rest-Screen

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Clothes Taking Too Long to Dry? It’s Time for Dryer Vent Cleaning!

Monday, July 25th, 2016

Dryer_VentIf you’ve noticed that the clothes in your dryer are coming out damp after each cycle, and you need to keep the dryer running longer to dry them thoroughly, you may think something is wrong with the appliance. But this problem is often a warning that the dryer vent is clogged up with lint. This is more than an inconvenience… it can turn into a significant fire hazard for your house.

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Improving Indoor Air Quality and Improving Your Family’s Health

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Because of concerns about air pollution from industrial sources, people often tend to think of poor air quality as something that only exists outdoors. But this isn’t true. A report by the Environmental Protection Agency has discovered that the air inside commercial and residential buildings is often three to four times worse than the air outside. The reason for this is the high number of contaminants and pollutants that become trapped inside a building because there is so little fresh air moving through them.

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It’s Not Too Late to Schedule a New Air Conditioning Installation!

Monday, June 13th, 2016

Have you taken a look at the forecast for the weather in Fresno and the Central Valley for the coming July? It’s going to be ­hot. Not just your everyday, “Hey, it’s hot today!” sort of weather. We’re talking about more than half the month averaging 100°F or above for midday. The cool days will have average highs of 95°F! This is hotter than we normally experience during the middle of the summer. The August forecast isn’t much better, with the 100°+ temperatures holding through much of the month, and going right on into September.

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My Air Conditioning System Is Noisy—Should I Replace It?

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

It’s important that you keep a close watch out for signs of troubles in your air conditioning system so you can have them fixed in time to beat out the summer temperatures. After all, summers in Fresno, CA can be intense, and the heat places a great deal of stress on an air conditioning system.

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Some Things to Consider for a New Air Conditioning Installation

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

This is one of the best times of the year to have a new air conditioning system installed in your home: not only is there a great promotion to help you save money (see below), but it’s also an ideal season to prepare your house for the coming heat of summer. Our technicians will have an easy time scheduling your installation so you can start enjoying superior comfort and energy savings as soon as possible.

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