Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fresno’

3 Air Conditioning Problems You May Encounter This Summer

Friday, June 20th, 2014

One of the last things you want to happen during a hot summer day in the Central Valley is for your air conditioner to shut down. Emergency service will get to you as soon as possible, but that still means a few uncomfortable hours without cooling. The best way to avoid this problem is to make sure that your AC receives its regular maintenance and that you call for repairs for smaller issues the moment you detect them.

Here are three air conditioning issues you may encounter during the summer that must be looked at and fixed right away before they grow worse and jeopardize your home’s cooling. Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning is on-call 7 days a week to handle your requirements for air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA. You can trust in our over 60 years of experience for whatever work you need done.

Take care of these 3 air conditioning problems right away

  1. Hard starting: This describes when your AC has difficulty coming on or switching into cooling mode. You’ll hear the system stutter and struggle to turn on, and often shut down soon afterwards. This is often because of trouble with the motors or the capacitors. If this continues, it can cause severe damage to the compressor, and it will place stress on other components and drain excess power. Technicians can replace the parts causing the hard starting or install a “hard-start kit” to overcome the issue.
  2. Icing along the coil: Your air conditioner blows out cold air, but it should never develop ice anywhere on it. If you notice ice growing along the indoor coil of your AC, you have a serious problem somewhere in the system. It could be a clogged air filter, a loss of refrigerant, or a build-up of grime along the coil. You can’t solve this problem by scraping the ice off the coil (and you might damage the coil in the process): call for professional repairs.
  3. Fan damage: The outdoor fan can sometimes sustain damage from debris entering the cabinet. (Make sure to keep the area around the condenser clear for at least a foot to reduce the chance of this occurring.) If the fan blades become bent because of debris, they will start to strike the fan casing, causing additional damage. When you hear any sort of loud striking sound from the condenser, call for repairs right away.

If you haven’t had a maintenance visit for your air conditioner yet this year, make sure you take care of that as soon as you can. Call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning to sign up for our Ultimate Savings Agreement, which will deliver you two tune-ups a year and provide you with preferred customer status and discounts on repairs and upgrades. Maintenance will help keep your needs for air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA to a minimum.

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What Happens When Your AC Condenser Needs Repairs

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

The AC condenser array is the component that starts the air conditioning cycle: applying heat and pressure to the refrigerant gas before releasing it into the compression coils where it reverts to a liquid state. (The evaporator coils return it to a gaseous state, which cools the nearby air and completes the air conditioning process.) When your AC condenser runs into problems, it can cut off power to your entire system, as well as reducing its cooling potential and similar dire issues. Here in Fresno, air conditioning repair companies can usually correct the issue with due speed.

Here’s A Brief Outline of What Happens When Your AC Condenser Needs Repairs

In some cases, the problem is electrical in nature. Either the circuits and wires providing power to the motor have gone bad or some component in the condenser motor itself has been damaged. In these cases, the air conditioner won’t start up at all. This is a valuable safety feature since it prevents further damage to the unit. However, you’ll have to get the electrical problem fixed before you can run the system again.

Another problem can occur if the condenser becomes excessively dirty, or the vent to the condenser unit is blocked. In some cases, this will result in the condenser working inefficiently. The AC unit won’t cool the air properly, and your system will have to work much harder in order to do its job. Alternately, the dirty condenser may result in rapid cycling, or turning the unit on and off very rapidly. Air conditioners use far more energy turning on and off than they do just running, so the conditioning needs to be addressed quickly.

Regardless of what happens when your AC condenser needs repairs, you’ll probably notice the effect fairly readily. When you do, you need to contract the professionals at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. Air conditioning systems need to perform at their peak during the hot summer months. We have the skills and experience to handle most any problem, so give us a call today to schedule air conditioning repair service in the Fresno area. You’ll be glad you did!

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3 Ways to Lower the Risk of Air Conditioning Repair

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

With summer on the way, you’re going to need your air conditioning system to perform at its best day in and day out. Repairs can be miserable when they take place in the middle of a heat wave, and while emergency repair services are sometimes available, no one wants to take that chance. Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning in Fresno is always on the job, but rather than waiting for a point in which you need them, consider the methods you can use to prevent that call in the first place.

Here Are 3 Ways to Lower the Risk of Air Conditioning Repairs

  • A/C Maintenance. Routine maintenance services are designed to clean the dust off of internal components, as well as recharging refrigerant and performing other small tune-ups. As a result, your air conditioner suffers less strain and doesn’t need to work as hard to do its job. Not only does that lower the risk of repairs, but it can save you money on monthly bills to boot. (Above and beyond professional maintenance, make sure you change your air filter regularly and ensure that it doesn’t get too dirty.)
  • Upgrades. Minor upgrades like zone control systems and programmable thermostats are a worthwhile investment for the same reason that a maintenance session is. Zone control systems let you shut off the air to parts of the house you aren’t using. New thermostats provide remote options that let you turn off the air when you aren’t at home. Both features reduce the strain on your system, leading to less of a chance of repairs as well as lowering monthly bills.
  • Home improvements. You can take steps around your home to help the air conditioner perform more effectively. For example, see about adding more insulation to your roof and sealing cracks around the doors and windows with weather stripping. They will help you home retain cool air better and reduce the stress on your air conditioning system.

For more ways to lower the risk of air conditioning repairs, or to schedule a repair session for your home, contact the pros at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. We handle all kinds of air conditioning repairs in Fresno and throughout the Central Valley, so give us a call today!

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3 Improvements Offered by a New Air Conditioner

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

No one likes to think of their air conditioners as needing replacement. They’re an expensive item, after all, and ideally your existing air conditioner will last you for many years. Sooner or later, however, every appliance needs to be replaced, and if your existing air conditioner is more than ten years old, you should consider upgrading it with a newer model. Here in Fresno, air conditioning installation is a fairly routine operation for most qualified services, and a trained technician can go over all your options with you before performing the installation. Here are 3 improvements offered by a new air conditioner that you should seriously consider.

  • Improved efficiency. Air conditioning efficiency is measured by a SEER rating, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the rating, the more efficient the system. Because your new air conditioner is likely more recent, it takes advantage of new technology and has no wear and tear on it. That means it will be more efficient than your old system, and cost you much less in monthly bills to boot.
  • Fewer repairs. New systems usually feature a warranty, which means that you’re covered in the event something goes wrong. That can be a considerable relief when your older system has suffered from significant breakdowns and other problems.
  • Zone controls. A zone control system can be installed as part of the new system. It connects a series of valves and switches in the duct system, allowing you to control the individual temperature in each room. You can even shut off the air conditioning in parts of the house you aren’t using, helping you to save more on monthly bills than ever before.

The experts at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning can talk about the improvements offered by a new air conditioner, as well as inspecting your house for a proper sized unit and discussing your other options with you.

Here in Fresno, air conditioning installation services don’t come any more reliable. We’re ready to serve you, so give us a call today. You’ll be glad you did!

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3 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Might Become More Expensive to Run

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

Summer is coming and with it comes in inevitable reality of higher air conditioning bills. Here in Fresno, we need our air conditioning systems to run reliably, lest they leave us at the mercy of triple-digit temperatures. Higher bills are a part and parcel of that equation, and to a certain extent we need to accept that fact. But the need for cool temperatures in hot weather can sometimes hide the fact that you’re paying more for your air conditioning service than you need to.

Here Are 3 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Might Become Expensive To Run

  • Lack of maintenance. Dust and dirt can build up inside your air conditioner especially here in the Central Valley. That increases friction and reduces efficiency. So does a clogged air filter and any components with loose bolts or fittings. If you haven’t gotten your air conditioner serviced in a while, you might end up paying for it with higher bills this summer.
  • Leaky refrigerant. Your air conditioner requires a certain specific level of refrigerant to function. If it doesn’t have it, then ice will form on the evaporator coils. That reduces the efficiency of the unit, forcing it to work harder and increasing strain on the system as a result. A properly trained professional can seal the leak and recharge refrigerant levels for you.
  • Breached ducts. Your duct system needs to be closed to the outside air in order to function. If a breach develops, it will either cause cool air to leak out or suck hot air in. Either way, your system won’t function as effectively as it should.

If you spot any of these reasons why your air conditioner might become more expensive to run, the next step is to contact the Fresno air conditioning system experts at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning immediately. We operate in Fresno, CA, air conditioning systems are our specialty, and we have a sterling reputation for correcting any problems you may have with speed and efficiency. The weather this summer will be too hot to take chances. Give us a call and keep your AC unit functioning the way it should!

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When is it Time to Install a New Air Conditioner

Friday, May 16th, 2014

The question can haunt a longtime homeowner: when is it time to install a new air conditioner? Such a project can cost a great deal, and for prudent residents of Fresno, air conditioning installation is often something that can wait in favor of more pressing matters. On the other hand, our punishing summers can be extremely hard on older systems, and sometimes even the most reliable air conditioner needs to be put out to pasture in favor of something more efficient. Only you can decide when the time has come to make a change like that, but a few simple guidelines can help you out.

In the first place, you have to measure the unstated cost of keeping your old system versus the up-front cost of installing a new one. Old air conditioners usually feature worn parts and components, which reduce the system’s efficiency and raise the cost of monthly cooling bills. Over time, that cost can become so large that a new system becomes the only practical option. The savings in monthly bills may be enough to significantly offset the cost of installation.

Along those lines, the frequency and severity of repairs can impact the decision as well. Every air conditioner needs repairs every now and then, but your existing unit may be suffering more breakdowns than you’re prepared to handle. Alternately, it may suffer a breakdown so severe that repairing it simply means throwing good money after bad. It may be more attractive to put that money into the cost of a new unit instead of trying to spruce up the old one.

Finally, pay close attention to the overall age of your unit. If it’s been well maintained, it may last months or even years past its expected replacement date. On the other hand, if it’s more than 10 years old and costs start piling up as outlined above, that’s probably the sign you need to consider a replacement.

And when you do, be sure to contact the Fresno air conditioning experts at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning for help. Air conditioning installation is one of our basic services, and our trained staff can guide you through the process when it’s time to install a new air conditioner. Pick up the phone and call us today to make an appointment. You’ll be glad you did!

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How Powerful an Air Conditioning Should I Install?

Friday, May 9th, 2014

Installing a new air conditioning system is more complicated than it may appear. It’s not like buying a TV or a refrigerator, where you just look for the options you want at a price you can afford. An air conditioner is a major investment in your home, and needs to be properly sized in order to function as it should. By “size,” we mean cooling power rather than physical size. It’s perhaps the most important aspect of any new air conditioning system. “How powerful an air conditioning should I install?” you ask. A brief answer can be found below.

The exact formula for determining an air conditioner’s power is complicated. It starts with the square footage of your home, which requires approximately 25 BTUs (British Thermal Units) of power for every square foot you have in your home. That’s a rough estimation, though most air conditioners list the recommended square footage on the box. There are countless variables to consider as well. For example, you need to determine how well your house is insulated, and whether your doors and windows have any cracks that could leak air. You need to factor in sunlight exposure, which can warm the house considerably in sufficient amounts, and whether air flow facilitates a rise or a loss in temperature. A trained professional can make those calculations for you and provide an ideal power level for your home.

Why? If your air conditioner is too small, it won’t do the job and if it’s too large, it will cycle on and off rapidly, using a lot of energy and causing a lot of wear in the process. (Air conditioners use huge amounts of energy powering up and down.) An ideally-sized unit will perform at maximum efficiency, increasing its lifespan and lowering your monthly bills in the process.

For more details on how powerful an air conditioning system you should install, contact the experts a Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. We understand the ins and outs of air conditioning installation in Fresno and other towns throughout the Central Valley, and we know how to get you the system that works best for your home. Contact us today to make an appointment. You’ll be glad you did!

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Air Conditioner Repairs to Look Out for this Spring

Friday, April 4th, 2014

One of life’s sweet moments: That first day during the spring when you turn on your AC and hear its gentle hum. You know for certain then that summer is on the way.

One of life’s less sweet moments: That first day of boiling summer weather when you turn on your AC and hear it screech, groan, and stop. You know for certain then that a repair call to a professional is on the way… and you’ll have to sweat it out until then.

In these early spring days, pay close attention to your air conditioner to see if it has any malfunctions that need professional attention. Make sure that you AC is ready and able to handle the summer stress. When you know you need professional air conditioning repairs in Fresno, CA, call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. We’ve kept the Central Valley cool since the Summer of ’52!

Watch for these repair needs

  • Leaking refrigerant: The refrigerant that circulates through your AC is crucial for the system to work. During normal operation, the refrigerant does not get “used up” as it moves between the evaporation and condensing stages. However, it can start to leak from the coils of the compressor, and when this happens the air conditioner will quickly lose its ability to cool your home. If you notice frost developing over the indoor coils, call for repairs: this is often a sign of leaking refrigerant.
  • Bad capacitors: Capacitors are cylindrical metal devices that serve as short-term batteries. They store up an electric charge to send to the fan and compressor motors to start them or keeping them running. When a capacitor begins to fail, you may notice a clicking sound from the cabinet as the AC starts up. If the system struggles during start-up (“hard starting”) and occasionally trips a circuit breaker, then a failing capacitor is the likely reason. A technician will replace the old capacitor with a new one.
  • Fixed compressor: The compressor supplies the energy to the refrigerant that sends it through the indoor and outdoor coils; it functions in a similar way to the heart in an animal. Its construction resembles a piston engine, and like a piston engine it can became fixed because of dirt or lack of lubrication. Technicians can sometimes repair this; otherwise they will replace the compressor.

When it comes to AC repairs, those who hesitate are left in the heat! Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning is on call 7 days a week to help you when your AC starts to wobble. We’ll deliver the air conditioning repairs in Fresno, CA you need to have a great summer.

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Reasons to Install a New Air Conditioner

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

An air conditioning system is no small investment, and before you pull the trigger on one, you want to be sure you’re doing the right thing. If properly maintained, an existing system can last for many years, and while air conditioning installation in Fresno is a common service, many of those companies can perform repairs on existing systems just as easily. Everyone’s circumstances are different, of course, but a few general guidelines can help make the process easier.

Here are some general reasons to install a new air conditioner.

  • Efficiency is going down. Over time, the parts in your air conditioner are going to wear out, requiring more energy to function as they should. That means your monthly bills may start skyrocketing, even though you’re not using your air conditioner any more often than normal. Installing a new system usually results in much lower bills, helping you earn back some of the cost of installation automatically.
  • Repairs are going up. The longer your air conditioner goes on, the more frequently it may need to be repairs and the ore expensive those repairs will be. Eventually, you’re going to be throwing good money after bad. New systems usually have a warranty, which will protect you from those pesky repair bills for at least a few years.
  • Your existing air conditioner has been around a while. New air conditioners are almost more efficient by default, and while an old one can hold up a long time if you keep it well maintained, time will eventually catch up to it. If it evinces other problems and it’s more than ten years old, that may be the catalyst to finally get it replaced.


You may have some good reasons to install a new air conditioner, but you’ll still need a proper service for air conditioning installation in Fresno. The experts at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning have the skills and experience to handle a new installation, and can advise you on whether you truly need a new system, or whether a repair session will better suit your needs. Give us a call to make an appointment. You’ll be glad you did!

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Free Estimates on Air Conditioning Replacements

Monday, March 31st, 2014

Crane Photo 2012 webCall Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning for your air conditioning replacement services. We offer free estimates for our air conditioning replacement projects so there’s no risk for you to call us and get a price on your AC replacement project. No matter what kind of air conditioning system you have right now, our experts can examine your home and find a unit that best suits your needs and your budget.

We’ve been taking pride in offering value to our customers for over 60 years and are committed to our workmanship and customer service. Call us for your FREE estimate at 559-674-2774559-674-2774 or request on-line.


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