Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Repair’

Are There Furnace Repairs I Can Do Myself?

Monday, January 6th, 2025

If by “furnace repair” you mean taking out a tool kit, opening the furnace cabinet, or anything even close to either, then the answer is a straight no. Furnace repairs, whether for a gas-powered or electric-powered unit, must be left to licensed professionals.

If the repairs you’re thinking of are more like “troubleshooting” — basic checks to make sure a simple explanation isn’t lurking behind your heating troubles — then there are steps you can take with a malfunctioning furnace. But please know the difference between troubleshooting checks and a DIY repair.

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A Cracked Heat Exchanger Is a Major Furnace Repair Issue

Monday, February 19th, 2024

Gas furnaces are reliable and powerful heating systems that can work for many years delivering warmth to a home. It’s why they’re still the most common household heating system across the country. 

Some homeowners are cautious about using gas furnaces because of possible safety hazards. Burning natural gas in any appliance has some risk of uncontrolled combustion and toxic gas leaks. But as long as a furnace receives regular maintenance each year and prompt repairs when needed, the risk is minimal.

We want to focus on one specific furnace repair problem that can create serious health hazards: a cracked heat exchanger. The more you know about it, the easier it will be to prevent it.

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5 Smaller Signs of a Dying Furnace

Monday, February 5th, 2024

We’ve examined before the ways you can tell that you may need heating repair in Fresno, CA. As we keep moving through another cold winter in the Central Valley, you’ll want to know how to recognize all the potential indicators that your furnace is teetering on the brink of failing. 

Some of these signs we haven’t shared before—they’re the silent and small warnings that may not leap out at you. Today, we’re going to delve into these sneakier signs so you’ll know sooner to call our technicians to investigate your heating system. If there’s a problem, we will find it and see if a repair will fix it or if we need to replace the whole furnace because it’s truly at the end of its service life.

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Why Won’t My Furnace Turn On?

Monday, December 11th, 2023

During the winter, there are few frustrations more annoying and uncomfortable than a furnace that won’t turn on. If you’ve had your furnace maintained annually during the fall, you likely won’t run into a problem like this—but there’s never any guarantee of a perfect furnace performance. 

If you’re currently facing a furnace not heating in Clovis, CA, you can call our team to see what repairs it may need. In some cases, you may only need to do a bit of troubleshooting to correct the problem. Below, we’ll look at reasons for an obstinate furnace, what you can do about it, and when you need to contact us. 

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Debunking Common Furnace Myths

Monday, February 20th, 2023

The furnace has been the most common type of home heating system for many decades. As with anything that’s been around that long, a number of myths have gathered around the furnace that many people still believe. Although the internet allows for rapid debunking of many of these misconceptions, it also allows for the misconceptions to continue to spread.

We want you to know the truth about your furnace so you can get the most out of it and enjoy safe comfort every year. You can trust our team for professional furnace service in Clovis, CA or elsewhere in the Central Valley whenever you need it.

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Why Won’t My Gas Furnace Turn On?

Monday, October 17th, 2022

This isn’t a situation you want to run into when the outdoor temperatures drop. A gas furnace not heating can happen for multiple reasons, some simple and easy to correct with troubleshooting, others that require calling professionals like ours to handle repairs.

We’re going to look at some of the common causes for a furnace that won’t turn on and provide heat to a home. Although we’ll point out situations where you can remedy the issue on your own, we want to stress that any actual repair must have a licensed expert. Tinkering with a gas furnace on your own can be extremely hazardous. When you have any doubts about your gas furnace, please reach out to us rather than attempt to solve it yourself.

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Off to a Slow Start … Is Your Furnace Not Giving You Enough Heat?

Monday, November 1st, 2021

As we move into the colder months of the year, your furnace will begin running more often. You’ve probably already had it on a few times—and we hope you’ve called us to arrange for heating system maintenance. (If not, now is a great time to have it done!)

You may notice as the winter starts that your furnace isn’t living up to expectations. There are cold spots in rooms, the general household temperature feels lower, and you have to fiddle around with the thermostat to get enough heat. These are all warning signs you may need furnace repair in Fresno, CA, and we don’t recommend you wait long to call us to schedule them. What might seem like a small trouble can balloon into a larger one, and you also want to avoid any potential safety hazards.

Below we’ll look at why your furnace may be off to a slow heating start.

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Why Is My Furnace Making That Noise?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

woman-listeningIf you’re asking this question, you’re already on the way to solving the problem. That you’ve noticed the furnace is making an odd sound is good news—not for the furnace, but for timely heater repair in Fresno, CA. The sooner you detect a strange sound coming from the furnace, the sooner you can call our technicians to investigate it and find out what repairs may need to be done. It always pays to move fast on potential furnace problems because it helps avoid safety concerns, the trouble getting worse, a more expensive repair, or the furnace breaking down entirely.

A malfunctioning furnace can make several types of noises. Below we’ll look at some of the more common. Please leave the actual diagnosis of the malfunction to our professionals, however.

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The Failed Furnace Control Board: A Major Furnace Problem

Tuesday, December 15th, 2020

electrical-schematicA natural gas furnace may burn gas to create the heat sent into the home, but the furnace also uses electrical power to run. This is why your furnace won’t work during a power outage, and also why you may need heater repair in Madera, CA to repair electrical components in your furnace at times. In fact, electrical malfunctions are among the more common type of furnace problems. We’re looking at one of these major malfunctions today, which is a failed furnace control board.

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Why Has My Gas Furnace Shut Down?

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

furnace-isolated-whiteAs we move toward the end of the year, furnaces will begin to come to life all over the Central Valley, and they’ll remain working steadily through the winter and into spring. At least, we hope they work steadily. A furnace failure can put a family in a bad position. Fortunately, you can always call us for furnace repair in Fresno, CA and throughout the Central Valley and we’ll get your furnace back in shape.

Below we’re going to look at some of the reasons your gas furnace may have shut off. Many of these are minor problems that you can correct yourself. Not repair yourself, however. These are basic troubleshooting steps. Please don’t open the furnace panel and try to tinker around inside. You probably won’t be able to fix the problem yourself and it’s potentially dangerous to try. You must leave all service on a gas furnace to licensed professionals.

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